The Bloomin' Bauer's

A diary of our family stories

Friday, January 7, 2011

Christmas Celebration Day 3 - Flying to Tennessee

Day 3 of our awesome Christmas celebration, we got up bright and early (3 am to be exact) to catch our 6:30 am flight to Knoxville, Tennessee to see my family. My brother Jimmy decided in October that he had some extra money and thought it would be great if he could fly our whole family out for the holidays. I was ecstatic at his generosity especially since I hadn't seen some of my family in 5 years and a lot of them hadn't even met Benny yet. Our entire family, Mom, Dad, Sam and his fiancee, Erin, Jimmy, David, and Rachel were all going to be together for Christmas. Plus I was going to be able to see my Grandma, Aunt Rhonda and Uncle Mike, Uncle Brad, Aunt Tammie, and my cousin Corion. All of us being together was the best Christmas present I could ever get.
So 6:30 a.m. we got on our American Airlines flight, and our first stop was in Dallas, TX for our 2 hour layover.

Here's Lily looking out the window for takeoff. This was her first plane ride. She was so cute and wouldn't stop talking and asking questions.

Here's the Dallas airport. We thought this was such a cool airport. It had a train you would ride from terminal to terminal.

My 3 sweeties watching the "plane show" outside.

We made it to Knoxville in the heavy fog and we were so excited to see everyone. I know that Rachel and I just screamed and hugged each other so tight when we got to see each other. We were just so happy to see everyone! Here's Benny getting super excited over the piano at my mom's house.
We always get Rachel and Lily's names mixed up when they're together. They are just so much alike I think. I just love them both. I know Lily never stopped playing with Rachel the entire visit.

That's Christmas Day 3!


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