Lily has been going through this fabulous phase. I just can't believe how sweet she is. I told her the other day after a very sweet day, "Lily, don't grow up any more. I like you just the way you are." She responds with, "Mama, I'm gonna get this big," standing on her tippy toes and reaching her hands above her head. So I said, "Well if you have to grow up, just don't do it too fast, cause I like you the way you are." She is full of sweetness. Everyday I get to hear, "I love you Mama." She helps me do everything, from cooking, to sweeping, to cleaning up her toys. She makes me laugh with all her silliness. She says sorry, please, and thank you. I just want to cherish this amazing time in my life with her. I don't want her to grow up and someday not shower me with hugs and kisses. I love taking walks with her and talking about the things we see. I love to play with her in the yard and watch her imagination take flight. I love to take her to the park and see her run and climb. I love to watch her draw amazing pictures and dance until she's exhausted. I'm so excited to have another baby soon, but I really want to appreciate the time I get to spend with Lily and having just one child. Things are going to change fast and they'll never be the same again.
So Lily, try not to grow up too fast. And know that I love you forever and ever. You are my little girl, and the thing that makes life so worth it.