The Bloomin' Bauer's

A diary of our family stories

Saturday, October 24, 2009


I'm 21 weeks pregnant now. Everything is going great. It seems my tummy must be growin' quite fast because strangers are starting to recognize that I'm pregnant. We went in for our 21 week ultrasound and gladly found out that this little boy is completely normal and growing perfect. What an awesome relief to know that everything is working and growing perfectly. We also found out it is definitely a little boy, no doubt about it. I love going to ultrasounds and seeing my little boy moving around. I can't wait to meet him.
Little baby face

It's a boy!

One very awesome accomplishment Lily had was writing her name for the first time. We were going to story time and Lily decides to write on her name tag. I look down at it and see she wrote her name perfectly. She didn't require any coaching or help with what letter came next. What a smart cookie! I am so proud of her! Potty training is coming along, very, very slowly. She's been quite the stubborn little girl and I guess I have to learn to be even more stubborn than her, which isn't exactly my strength. We've had some very good days and a lot of bad days, but persistence is key! We'll keep working on it and I'm hoping in the next month to have a fully potty trained little girl.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Cheese, Please!

Baby Baboo and Mommy saying Cheese at 20 weeks.

I am now 20 weeks preggers! I am surprised at how fast this pregnancy has gone by. I can't believe I'm halfway done. Everything is going great. I have a sweet kicking little boy in my tummy who is already loved beyond measure. In a week we'll have another ultrasound with the actual technologist. Pretty exciting. Those are definitely one of my favorite appointments.

So cravings.... Say Cheese! It's cheese like 24/7. I am sure this kid's first word is gonna be "Gouda" or something. I'm constantly in love with cheese of all kinds, cheddar cheese, mozzarella string cheese, cream cheese bagels, cheesy ravioli, grilled cheese, and cheesecake. It's crazy.

We still have no luck on a name picked out, or even a few we agree on. My favorites are, Benjamin, Jesse, Matthew, Andrew, Peter, and Wesley. Brian doesn't have a list, just a lot of veto's. So hopefully when we meet our baby boy, he will name himself, otherwise he'll be baby "Baboo" as Lily calls him forever.

Everything at home is going pretty good. Lily's on her way to be potty trained. She had one really good day without accidents but it has been followed by a few very bad days. So as anyone can imagine, I'm frustrated beyond measure. But will stay focused on the goal. Lily's growing up to be quite a young lady though. She loves to run and play all day. She enjoys doing crafts and "home preschool" with mommy. I am doing excellent in school, I have A's in both of my classes. I get tired of reading my textbooks but am enjoying being in school. I am still watching kids at my house. Just one little girl for right now. Brian continues to work hard at his job, while coming home to work hard on always keeping everything in the house fixed. He keeps his hobbies alive, from model trains to fish tanks.
Lily saying "cheese"

Brian and I are trying to make a 1-2 year plan for moving out to Tennessee. My family is moving out there around Christmas time, and we are longing to join them. We are praying still for a miracle to make it happen, but it looks like we may still be here a bit longer.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

It's a BOY!

After many weeks of wondering and waiting we went to the doctor yesterday and it's a BOY! Well this little boy inside didn't want to cooperate after 15 minutes we finally got a glimpse and it's a boy. Lily and I were right. Brian thought it was a boy too but he wasn't as convinced. Lily's so excited that Baby Baboo is a boy. She likes the name Ben, but we still have to decide on it. I am happy to have one of each.
This is me at 18 weeks. Growing fast. I've only gained 5 pounds and everything seems to be going really well. It's been a pretty easy pregnancy so far luckily enough.

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