Ben at 1 month old - slight smile
Already changing so fast 3 weeks
2 weeks old
I can't believe it's been an entire month since I had my sweet little boy.
Meet my little boy Ben, this is how he's changed and how we've gotten to know him in the past month:
-He's gained a whole 2 pounds and 2 inches. So he's 9 pounds 2 ounces and 21 inches long. I guess Mommy's milk is definitely giving him what he needs.
-He loves to lift his head up and look around.
-He is so strong for his age. He rolled over at 2 weeks old.
-He loves being held almost all the time.
-He loves his big sister
-He's growing more hair and it's turning a dark brown.
-He loves to give us rare but sweet smiles and sometimes a coo
-Ben loves to stick his tongue out
-He's already growing out of his newborn clothes
-He loves looking at his hands
-Ben loves to take baths and Lily loves to help
-He has successfully slept 4 hours consecutively
Here are some things Lily loves to do as a big sister:
-Lily loves to run up to Ben's bassinet when he cries and say hi to him hoping to calm him down. Sometimes it works.
-Lily loves to call him Baboo still, or "My baby."
-She likes to read him books
-She loves to touch her baby and give him his binky
-She enjoys helping mommy get the burp rag or picking out his clothes for the day.
-She likes to help burp Ben and has been successful a few times.
-She is so proud of her little brother and loves having him around.
A lot has happened the past month. My mom flew in from Tennessee to help me for 2 whole weeks. It was so great to have her around. She was such a big help. I can't wait to see her again. I hope it's sooner than later
Ben had his first trip to the zoo, which he slept through but it was fun to get out with the whole family. It's different being a family of 4 but I love it.
We also went to another train show. Brian and Lily love to go see the trains. They were super excited.
It's hard having 2 kids especially when I'm overwhelmed with too much to do or too tired. But I feel so blessed to have such a great little family.
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