The Bloomin' Bauer's

A diary of our family stories

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

"Thump, thump, thump"

I had my first OB doctor's appointment. I met my nurse midwife who is letting me give the whole VBAC a try. I really want to avoid surgery again so now I have the opportunity. When we were at the doctor we got to see the baby in the first ultrasound and hear the heartbeat. Never has this baby felt more real than see it move around in the ultrasound and hearing the little "thump, thump, thump" of the his or her heart beating.

Baby Baboo (haha, yes that is the name for now) at 10 weeks

Me at 11 weeks. Showing so fast.

I have the inkling that I am having a boy. So does Brian. So we can't wait to find out the sex of the baby so we can start figuring out some names we like.
Weight gain as of 11 weeks, 2-3 pounds (yay!)
Cravings: Cheese, salt and vinegar chips, and the normal chocolate and ice cream
I'm really looking forward to the 1st trimester being over. I'm so sick of wanting to gag on some random smell in the kitchen. And I would really love to have some normal energy levels again. I'd also love to have some clothing fit. My regular clothes are now too small and my maternity clothes are still too big. I guess I'll run around naked until something changes.
Only 3 more weeks and we're in the next trimester.


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