I've been running a lot! And I mean a lot. I can barely go a day without going out for my afternoon run, ipod attached to my ears, jamming Aerosmith. I am surprised that I finally love running. I used to dream about running, hoping that I would someday love it. Now I can finally say I do. I run about 2-3 miles, depending on the day. I run in the rain and the snow. I'm a little crazy to say the least. I know for a fact it has boosted my self-esteem and has made me so much stronger. I am signing up for a 5k in April, and it's a weird feeling to know I'll be able to actually run the whole thing.
Besides the exercise part, I've also been eating well. I finally have weaned myself off this sugar addiction and have replaced my empty calories with some good old fashioned fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean meats. I feel like I'm doing my body a good favor and making some long-term lifestyle changes.
So since October, I've lost 14 pounds. And since about a year ago, right after having Benjamin, I've lost almost 40 pounds. I only have about 11-12 more pounds before I'm at my goal. This is the smallest I've been weight-wise since I was 15 years old. I feel like maybe I'll actually get to my goal finally instead of dreaming of it in the future. I know I owe this to myself, to my kids, and I love that I can see my hard work finally paying off.
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