The Bloomin' Bauer's

A diary of our family stories

Friday, December 31, 2010

Christmas celebration day 1 - Zoo Lights

Since the Christmas season was full of so many days of celebrations, I am going to break them up into the days. To kick off the celebration, our family went to Zoo Lights. It was super cold that day, but we were going to be out of town so we decided to go anyway. We bundled up into many layers and me and the kids got on the train down to Salt Lake. Then Brian picked us up and we went to the zoo. They really do make a very awesome display for the kids. Lily really enjoyed it.
At the entrance of the zoo. Lily was pretty psyched over the giraffe and elephant.
Lily loved the train!
I was super worried Benny was cold, but this is what he did the majority of the time. So apparently he was pretty comfortable.

We got to see the Tigers at night - and since they're nocturnal it was cool to see them doing something besides sleeping.

Lily had to ride the tiger on the carousel after seeing all the tigers out and about.
Lily's first time talking to Santa. She was so excited to meet him. She asked for a guitar and horse toys.

I wasn't sure Benny was excited for Santa but we had to at least get a picture.

There's Christmas day 1. More to come!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

December 16th

December 16th 2001 marks mine and Brian's 1st date, so this year will be our 9 year dating anniversary. Almost a decade! For real? Time flies. I am so happy that I am still with him. I definitely didn't know that when I asked Brian out to my high school Christmas dance that I'd fall in love with him, let alone marry him and have children with him.

Our first date - we are such nerds. I was 15 and Brian was 19. This was my high school Christmas dance. I was going to school at Salt Lake Lutheran High School. I didn't like anyone from high school so I asked Brian to be my date. Yes, I asked him out. I guess I am kinda brave. After a few months of hanging out with Sam, it gave me the courage to to ask him out. Dances are lame, we left early. I wanted Brian to kiss me that night, but he chickened out and kissed me a couple days later.

Here's us a couple months later. I loved having a boyfriend. I think even more than that I was really happy to have a friend. I really always loved that Brian was so sweet to me even in the beginning. He always treated me with respect. One of the things I liked the most was that he was on fire for the Lord. That was the greatest thing that brought us together.

Here's us in Oregon on vacation with my family. Look at us lovebirds. We fought so much that summer. We still made it through, even through the tough times.
Here's us in Chicago. We took the Amtrak train with my family to see Sam graduate from bootcamp. Literally spent days together confined on a train and exhausted.
And Denver, Colorado. We didn't get a real honeymoon when we were married. This little getaway was like our real first honeymoon.
Here's us today. I love you Brian Bauer. Here's to many many more years.

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